Helping you better understand the national security and domestic policy choices facing Asia nations.

We focus on geopolitical realities and domestic constraints — not personalities and empty rhetoric.

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Blair Ericson Blair Ericson

On The Radar

The Philippines buys radar systems from Japan. Why the deal is a significant landmark.

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Harris Michael Harris Michael

How China Undermines Democracy: Part 8

America’s corporate media take millions in ad dollars from China — a country behind closed doors they compare to Nazi Germany.

The mega corporations that own them have all made tens of billions off America’s failed China policies.

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Blair Ericson Blair Ericson

Taiwan’s Treason Problem

Three former KMT legislative aides stand accused of spying for China.

Traitors selling out for China’s cash are a problem everywhere, but in Taiwan, it’s an existential threat.

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Blair Ericson Blair Ericson

Telling Lai

After saying its draconian national security law would only target violent offenders, China arrests Jimmy Lai, publisher of Hong Kong’s last pro-democracy newspaper.

Proving once again you can’t trust anything the Chinese Communist Party says.

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Harris Michael Harris Michael

Part 7: How China Undermines Democracy

Why does Hollywood hate Donald Trump?

Because he threatens the lucrative business of making movies that cater to the values of China rather than Middle America.

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Blair Ericson Blair Ericson


With Hong Kong’s Pan-Democrats on verge of an historic election win, Beijing’s stooges want to postpone the vote.

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Blair Ericson Blair Ericson

Beijing’s Dam Troubles

As torrential rains wreak havoc across China, experts warn the world’s largest dam could collapse at Three Gorges.

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Harris Michael Harris Michael

Part 5: How China Undermines Democracy

After the Tienanmen Massacre, American politicians normalized the Butchers of Beijing for cash.
No one more than Joe Biden - the man who wants to be the next President.

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Blair Ericson Blair Ericson

Slow Burn

The Trump Administration closes what it calls the epicenter of China’s spying.

Beijing rushes to burn the evidence in its Houston consulate.

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Blair Ericson Blair Ericson

Rock The Karabakh

Russia and Turkey usually downplay clashes between Christian Armenia and Muslim Azerbaijan. What could make this time different?

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Harris Michael Harris Michael

Part 4: How China Undermines Democracy

Western “academics” normalized the Butchers of Beijing after Tienanmen Square for cash. Now they’re letting the People’s Republic dictate how China is taught on campus.

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Blair Ericson Blair Ericson

Protesting Putin

The New York Times is pretty sure it’s a threat to the regime. What’s the reality?

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Blair Ericson Blair Ericson

Turkey Shoot

China’s hunt for bargains eases Turkey’s foreign reserves crisis. But is it a very mixed blessing?

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